Wednesday 7 December 2016

LO5: Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes
(Written by Taighlor McNally)
1.     Apologies:
Everybody is present.
2.     Roles in the Team
Louis Norton (LN)
Alister Martin (AM)
Taighlor McNally (TM)
3.     Agenda items: Previous Agenda, Review the amendments and add them to the script, Create a reflection on the script feedback and Upload the improved and finalised script.
4.     Deadlines: 7/12/2016
5.     AOB: -

Agenda Item
Time Frame
Previous Agendas
These have been met in the time frame we set.
TM, LN and AM
1 Hour
Review the amendments and add them to the script.
Based on the feedback from our client, we will make those amendments to our script.
LN, TM and AM
1 Hour
Create a reflection on the script feedback.
Create a reflection based around these questions (Individual):
  • Have needs/ expectations been met for the client brief and target audience?
  • What were the clients likes and dislikes (be specific here)?
  • What are the relevant changes that need to made to the script?
  • Is the content of the product correct (based on form and style)?
  • Does it meet legal/ ethical requirements?

LN, AM and TM
1 Hour
Upload the improved and finalised script.
Upload our final script to our blogs and also make sure to indicate the changes.
LN, AM and TM.
10 Minutes

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