Tuesday 11 October 2016

LO2: Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes
(Written by Taighlor McNally)
1.     Apologies:
Everybody is present.
2.     Roles in the Team
Louis Norton (LN) will write the dialogue in the script.
Alister Martin (AM) will write the camerawork, edit decisions and stage directions.
Taighlor McNally (TM) will research scripts that are similar to our film and write the locations.
3.     Agenda items: Research, Dialogue, Locations, Stage Directions, Camera Work and Edit Decisions.
4.     Deadlines: 12th October
5.     AOB: Possible minor plot changes to fit the dialogue.

Agenda Item
Time Frame
Research into different scripts relating to our film’s genre and theme.
1 Hour
Need to look at the storyboard to see where dialogue would come in and then write onto the script – Do the first two minutes of the short film script.
Next Week
Look at the storyboard to see what the different locations are and then write them on to a script – Do the first two minutes of the short film script.
Next Week
Stage Directions
Look at the storyboard to see what actions in the short film take place and then write them on to the script – Do the first two minutes of the short film script.
Next Week
Camera Work
Look at the storyboard to see what camera shots, movements and angles will be used and at what time and then write on the script – Do the first two minutes of the short film script.
Next Week
Edit Decisions
Think towards what parts would require editing and then write them onto the script – Do the first two minutes of the short film script.
Next Week

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